
MISTAKE OF KEN GRIFFIN? How to buy painting? Part 1

Very often people have hard time understanding reasons behind unimaginably high prices on masterpieces of famous authors. For example, people questioned half billion dollars purchase of Chicago’s billionaire Ken Griffin in 2015. He paid 200 million dollars for work of Jackson Pollock «#17A, 1948» and 300 million dollars for Willem de Kooning  «Interchange, 1955». People were commenting Read the full article…

How to sell painting. Part 9

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art heritage. Occasionally, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces…. Scenario #9. Collector choses to sell whole collection or part of it. Art owner already tried all 1 through 8 scenarios, mentioned in other articles, but without success. His sales were Read the full article…

How to sell painting. Part 8

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art heritage. Occasionally, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces…. Scenario #8. Collector choses to sell whole collection at once. There are many reasons for this decision, but main motivation is receiving the arts as inheritance. The new owner may bedoesn’t Read the full article…

How to sell painting. Part 7

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art legacy/heritage. Occasionally, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces. Scenario #7. Collector needs money and unsuccessfully trying to sell something from the collection. Although, collector has good paintings with proper authentication, good communications skills and well known in art world the sales may not Read the full article…

How to sell painting. Part 6

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art heritage. Occasionally, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces….

How to sell painting. Part 5

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art heritage. Once in a while, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces… Scenario #5. Collector in need of money discovers that painting can be used as cash influx without selling. Information is inconsistent and comes from some consultants as a Read the full article…

How to sell painting. Part 4

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art heritage. Once in a while, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces… Scenario #4. Collector chooses to sell one of his priced possessions. It can be painting of famous author, museum quality with perfect authentication papers. There are many extraordinary Read the full article…

How to sell painting. Part 3

Collectors of the World have overwhelming treasures. They possess most of the art heritage. Once in a while, collectors face necessity to sell one of the masterpieces…

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